[Salon] Israel Should Have Arrested Arch-criminal Netanyahu


Israel Should Have Arrested Arch-criminal Netanyahu - Opinion - Haaretz.com

Uri MisgavMay 23, 2024

There has been no greater criminal in Israeli history than Benjamin Netanyahu. 

There is a reason why he and his abettors have fought to prevent the screening of the video of Nahal Oz hostages. Segments have been censored from view by the general public. After all, apart from the seven female field observers who were kidnapped, 15 of their comrades were massacred. What happened and was documented at the Nahal Oz base is a horrifying illustration of the devastation that struck Israel on October 7. Under Netanyahu's leadership, as a direct result of his policies and decisions. Not "on our watch," but his responsibility and his fault. 

This is the greatest defeat in the country's history, and this psychopath still dares to talk about "victory" and "total victory" and "until victory." A man with honor and emotions would have resigned immediately and not dared to show his face to the public forever after. Only Netanyahu in all his gall continues to blame the whole world

Now he will harass Maj.-Gen. (res.) Nitzan Alon. He will try to blame him and the IDF hostages HQ, which for eight months has been performing the holy professional grunt work (in contrast to the redundant and worthless staff that Netanyahu tailored for his associate Gal Hirsch). After torpedoing and sabotaging every possible deal, he dares to blame Alon and senior Mossad and Shin Bet officers for "not knowing how to negotiate."

Netanyahu, the worst negotiator, the most easily pressured and pliable man to be found, with no bargaining ability or spine, with his bent toward hysteria and panic – he preaches about negotiations? What were his last successful negotiations? The sale of a double mattress? The agreement with Sara after the hot recording? Maybe the release of Gilad Shalit for Yahya Sinwar and more than a thousand of his comrades? Netanyahu is the doormat who gave May Golan a ministry after she announced on the morning of the government's inauguration that she was not feeling well and would be absent from the vote.

In his world, everyone is to blame except himself, of course. The IDF, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, war cabinet Minister Benny Gantz, the UN, the court in The Hague, the Americans, the pilots, the protest. The hostages' families too. And the bereaved families who do not belong to the camp that implores him to sacrifice more and more soldiers to justify the death of their predecessors. Simply unbelievable how, under his leadership, violence by civilians and police against protesters in general and the families of the hostages and the murdered in particular has been normalized here.

The lock-'em-up judges are collaborating. Haim Sirotkin, who was clearly documented on film running over protesters in Tel Aviv, was released overnight to his home and returned to work as a football coach. Uri Haroush, the thug who kicked bereaved father Gadi Kedem, was released to his home the next day, when the judge claimed that the video did not clearly show that he kicked the victim in the head and not just his back. An appeal and a sane District Court judge were needed to void that decision. Kedem, who lost six members of his family in the massacre at Nir Oz, was arrested and questioned after the incident on suspicion of assault. This is the same police force whose officers unceasingly, violently assault demonstrators and protest activists, including the mother and sister of the hostage Matan Zangauker, with fists, shoving, suffocation, horses, high-pressure hoses and skunk water. This place has become Sodom and Gomorrah, a hell on Earth.

Netanyahu's first arrest warrant should have been issued in Jerusalem, not The Hague. Not because of war crimes in Gaza, but because of his ongoing crimes against the State of Israel and the people of Israel. Look at the north, evacuated under shelling, the devastated south. The debacle of October 7. The total failure in Gaza since October 8. The sacrifice of hostages. And the sacrifice of the soldiers. And the international isolation. And the seizures and arrest warrants and sanctions that will soon come. The rampaging antisemitism. The immense economic crisis, which will only worsen.

Netanyahu is an arch-criminal. And all those who abet him in the political, security, public or media arenas are his full accomplices in crime.

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